Sunday, August 15, 2010

So here is my prayer:

To the Universe who is continually conspiring in my favor…

As I go through each day

May I be held in your love, filled with your patience and drenched in grace.
May I find the space to live in love and to share and receive that love- freely and fully.
May I be surrounded by people who live in your Light, who find life an adventure, who speak my language, whose presence I can rest in.

For the moments of pain remind me that this too shall pass…
For the moments of joy remind me to fully sit in that place and let it permeate every fiber of my being.
For the moments of gratitude let it fill me completely and spill over.

When I am tempted to take the easy route remind me of the price I have already paid for ignoring my soul’s voice, remind me of the power I feel when I stand in my truth, when I honor my soul.
When I am daunted by the path ahead remind me that you are always in front of me to guide the way, at my back and on my sides to surround and sustain me.
When I am brave remind me that it is good to celebrate courage and to take time to honor facing the fear and sidestepping the doubt.

When I feel alone remind me of the angels that surround me.
When I am making choices remind me that the only choice is love.
When I allow the voice of fear it’s say, remind me that just because it is talking doesn’t mean I have to listen.

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